Massage Mercies

Sometimes we massage therapists get our best quips quite spontaneously from our clients. I haven’t done a top-ten list lately….so…


          Top Ten Best Quips from Clients Mid-Massage


Number 10: “The combination to the safe is 35 left, 56 right and 22 left.”

Number Nine: “Do you wash your sheets?”

Number Eight:  “Ever thought about putting ads on your shoes?”

Number Seven: “I think my neck hates my job.”

Number Six: “What is the longest massage you have ever done?

Number Five: “Am I supposed to see a burning bush in the desert?”

Number Four: “Do smelly feet bother you?”

Number Three: “How do you know if you have ringworm?”

Number Two: “Do you know Amber Frey?”


And the Number One Best Quips from Clients Mid-Massage:


“Better light the candle; you pushed it out of me.”

3 thoughts on “Massage Mercies

  1. Anonymous

    I hear crickets chirping in regards to these “quips”…Pretty dumb, if you ask me. Nice try though. My personal favorite quip was a lady who asked “Are you gonna be my massager? – I heard you were the massagin’est person here”


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